A Pilgrimage to Jasna Góra by Władysław Reymont (First English translation by Filip Mazurczak)
Translated by Filip Mazurczak. Foreword by Michał Gołębiowski. Originally published in Polish in..
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The Sacramentary - Volumes 1-5 (Complete Set) by Ildefonso Schuster
Modern reprint of Blessed Ildefonso Schuster's five-volume work, The Sacramentary (Liber Sacramentor..
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This is a modern-day reprint of Volume 1 of The Sacramentary (Liber Sacramentorum) by Bl. Ildefonso ..
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The Sacramentary - Volume 2 by Ildefonso Schuster
This is a modern-day reprint of Volume 2 of The Sacramentary (Liber Sacramentorum) by Bl. ..
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The Sacramentary - Volume 3 by Ildefonso Schuster
This is a modern-day reprint of Volume 3 of The Sacramentary (Liber Sacramentorum) by Bl. ..
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The Sacramentary - Volume 4 by Ildefonso Schuster
This is a modern-day reprint of Volume 4 of The Sacramentary (Liber Sacramentorum) by Bl. ..
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The Sacramentary - Volume 5 by Ildefonso Schuster
This is a modern-day reprint of Volume 5 of The Sacramentary (Liber Sacramentorum) by Bl. ..
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X-Ray of the Priest in a Field Hospital by Fr. Armand de Malleray, FSSP
Since no priest wishes to be mediocre, why do many think priestly holiness too ambitious a goal? Thi..
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Understanding Marriage & Family: A Catholic Perspective by Fr. Sebastian Walshe, O.Praem.
In this book Fr. Sebastian explains and defends the traditional understandings of marriage and ..
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The Pearl of Great Price by Christian Browne
In 1797, Revolutionary France, with the dynamic young General Bonaparte in command of its armies, se..
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With Latin in the Service of the Popes: The Memoirs of Antonio Cardinal Bacci
Antonio Bacci was rector of the archdiocesan seminary of Florence when his exceptional knowledge of ..
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Meditations For Each Day by Antonio Cardinal Bacci
This book consists of a series of daily meditations written by the eminent Latinist Antonio Card..
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Integrity: Volume 1 (October - December 1946)
This book is Volume 1 of a multi-volume project featuring the complete issues of "Integrity", the ..
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Integrity: Volume 2 (January - June 1947)
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Breaking the Chains of Mediocrity by Carol Jackson Robinson (Book 1/Collected Works)
This is Book 1 of the Collected Works of Carol Jackson Robinson (1911-2002). From..
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The Eightfold Kingdom Within: Essays on the Beatitudes and the Gifts of the Holy Ghost by Carol Jackson Robinson (Book 2/Collected Works)
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Designs for Christian Living by Carol Jackson Robinson (Book 3/Collected Works)
Designs for Christian Living was originally published in 1947 and is Book 3 of the Collected Works o..
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Liberalism: A Critique of Its Basic Principles and Its Various Forms (Newly Revised Translation by Thomas Storck)
This is a new edition of Billot's classic work on liberalism. It features an introduction and a newl..
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A Centenary Meditation on a Quest for “Purification” Gone Mad (2018 Gardone Lectures) by Dr. John Rao
Excerpt from the Preface: "The text that follows embodies the four historical conferences t..
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Sundays & Festivals with the Fathers of the Church: Homilies on the Gospels of the Ecclesiastical Year
A collection of homilies from the Church Fathers according to the Ecclesiastical Year. Originally pu..
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Dogmatic Theology Set - Msgr. Van Noort (Volumes 1-3)
Reprints of classic works of dogmatic theology by Msgr. Van Noort. They feature exact reproductions ..
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The True Religion: Dogmatic Theology, Volume 1 by Msgr. G. Van Noort (Arouca Press Reprint)
This book is part of our Arouca Press Reprints series and is volume 1 of Van Noort's classic series ..
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This is the first book published as an Arouca Press reprint. This book is a classic work of ecclesio..
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The Sources of Revelation/Divine Faith: Vol. 3 by Van Noort (Arouca Press Reprint)
This book is part of our Arouca Press Reprints series and is volume 3 of Van Noort's classic series ..
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Christ Wants More: Ignatian Principles and Ideals on Prayer and Action by Fr. Frank Holland, S.J.
Originally published in 1961, this book is meant to be used in conjunction with the Spiritual Exerci..
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The Epistle of Christ: Short Sermons For the Sundays of the Year on Texts from the Epistles by Fr. Michael Chapman
Originally published in 1927, The Epistle of Christ was written by a convert from the Episcopal..
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Our Lady, A Presentation for Beginners by Dom Hubert van Zeller
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Fraternal Charity by Fr. Benôit Valuy
Republication of Father Valuy's 1908 classic short treatise on the virtue of charity for religious b..
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